LushMC Bot
This page contains the commands and embed legend for LushMC’s Bot

Message Edit Embed
Code: msgedit
The message edit embed uses the {messagebefore}, {messageafter},
and {msglink} placeholders.
Message Delete Embed
Code: msgdelete
The message delete embed uses the {channel} and {message}
Welcome Embed
Code: welcome
The welcome embed uses the {username}, {mention},
and {server} placeholders.
Bulk Message Delete Embed
Code: bulkmsgdelete
The bulk message delete embed uses the {channel} and {msgcount}
Channel Create Embed
Code: channelcreate
The Channel Create embed uses the {channel} placeholder.
Channel Delete Embed
Code: channeldelete
The Channel Delete embed uses the {channelname} placeholder.
Channel Name Update Embed
Code: channelname
The Channel Name Update embed uses the
{channelbefore} and {channelafter} placeholders.
Channel Topic Update Embed
Code: channeltopic
The Channel Topic Update embed uses the
{beforetopic} and {aftertopic} placeholders.
User Join Embed
Code: userjoin
The User Join embed uses the {mention}
and {username} placeholders.
User Leave Embed
Code: userleave
The User Leave embed uses the {username},
{createdon} and {joinedon} placeholders.
User Banned Embed
Code: userban
The User Banned embed uses the {username},
{createdon} and {joinedon} placeholders.
User Unbanned Embed
Code: userunban
The User Unbanned embed uses the {username}
Role Delete Embed
Code: roledelete
The Role Delete embed uses the {rolename} placeholder.
Nickname Change Embed
Code: nickname
The Nickname Change embed uses the {memberbeforemention},
{memberafternickname} and {memberaftermention}
Role Name Embed
Code: rolename
The Role Name embed uses the {rolebeforename},
{roleaftername} and placeholders.
Role Color Embed
Code: rolecolor
The Role Color embed uses the {roleafter}, {rolebeforecolor}
and {roleaftercolor}, placeholders.